


Backed By Green

adjust your monitor brightness and contrast to see all gray scale levels for better view   Took few steps to the left from the previous position and got this greenish background form some plants behind.


  1. That's amazing. A slight change of the angle and a new art!!!

  2. @ Paresh,
    Thanks for the comment.

    No it’s not hibiscus. This flower is not even a one inch from its length and no one knows the name of it =D. My mum having this plant just because of the flowers are so beautiful.. lol

    Thanks for the comment.

    Yes. It is always a good practice to photograph the subject in all possible angels. cos I know most of the times we tend to take photographs as we just saw the it at first place.

  3. And you pluck her lovely flowers... :P

    Great shot. like this better as the contrast between green and red is quite nice!

  4. Your mom won't mind plucking her flowers for this beautiful capture!

  5. Ahh, looks lovely. I love the focusing done on it. Super stuff.


  6. truly beautiful!it's amazing how you got a totally different picture by changing the angle.i should learn from you.i'm so lazy,almost given up photography :-(

  7. just addicted to your blog too. came via the sachira's blog...

  8. @silent moments;
    No I didn’t .I’m a good boy …lol

    Ya I think so. :D

    Thanks mate

    Glad you found something valuable in my posts :)

    Ohh yes! I was wondering why didn’t you post much lately and I thought you must be busy with work and all. Please don’t stop showing us your wonderful talent. I know you will be back with a blast :D and we all waiting for it. So keep going ….. Ok =D

    PS: remember? I was thinking to stop my blog once too .. lol

    Thanks a lot for visiting my blog. I’m glad to see you here mate.

    **Thank you all for you wonderful comments.**

  9. Cool trick and again a great composition!
