Walk in Paradise (Island of Sri Lanka): Horton Plains National Park




Rhino-horned lizard

One of the rarest / extremely difficult to spot, yet amazingly beautiful lizards found in the paradise isle of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Rhino-horned lizard can only be found...

Between Life And Death

"Life and death are illusions. We are in a constant state of transformation" - Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu This Black-winged kite was perching on the dead tree bark (on...

I'm the king of my jungle

One of the most rarest sightings that you can have in Horton Plains National Park - Sri Lanka. In fact this is my first ever encounter of Hotron plain leopards...

Horns protect us

Sri Lankan Sambar deer looking through the misty fog at Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka.  Male samber is giving the guard to the female samber by giving...

Horns of the cloud forest

Sri Lankan Sambar Deer @ Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka I had this close encounter with this well built Sri Lankan Sambar Deer near the Mahaeliya wildlife bungalow....